Our Lady of the Rosary on the Camino to Santiago from October 5-8 + Procession [Updated Oct. 4]
In the Porto Region? Flying through OPO? Come pray the Rosary in the picturesque city by the sea during this week's October Festa in Póvoa de Varzim honouring Our Lady of the Rosary
From a letter written to all the faithful by Saint Francis of Assisi
(Opuscula, edit. Quaracchi 1949, 87-94)1
We must be simple, humble and pure
O how happy and blessed are those who love the Lord and do as the Lord himself said in the gospel: You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart and your whole soul; and your neighbor as yourself. Therefore, let us love God and adore him with pure heart and mind. This is his particular desire when he says: True worshippers adore the Father in spirit and truth. For all who adore him must do so in the spirit of truth. Let us also direct to him our praises and prayers saying: Our Father, who art in heaven, since we must always pray and never grow slack.
Furthermore, let us produce worthy fruits of penance. Let us also love our neighbors as ourselves. Let us have charity and humility. Let us give alms because these cleanse our souls from the stains of sin. Men lose all the material things they leave behind them in this world, but they carry with them the reward of their charity and the alms they give. For these they will receive from the Lord the reward and recompense they deserve. We must not be wise and prudent according to the flesh. Rather we must be simple, humble and pure. We should never desire to be over others. Instead, we ought to be servants who are submissive to every human being for God’s sake. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on all who live in this way and persevere in it to the end. He will permanently dwell in them. They will be the Father’s children who do his work. They are the spouses, brothers and mothers of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oct. 4, 2023, Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone)2
Go back to Seminary with Fr. Chris Alar who explains why St. Francis is one of the most beloved saints in history.
You can also download for free Bishop Barron’s excellent lesson on St. Francis of Assisi on the Word on Fire app / website here: https://www.wofdigital.org/videos/francis
The above video is part of the Catholicism Series entitled “Pivotal Players”. This is an excellent resource for anyone seeking to understand the role of the Saints in the Church as well as gain insight into the charisms of St. Francis of Assisi. Bishop Barron’s videos lead with beauty, demonstrating the interior of many sacred spaces and creating a bridge to understanding the eternal with Digital Media. Enjoy.
JAPANESE: 上記のビデオは、「ピボットプレーヤー」と題されたカトリックシリーズの一部です。これは、教会における聖人の役割を理解し、アッシジの聖フランチェスコのカリスマについての洞察を得ようとしている人にとって優れたリソースです。バロン司教のビデオは美しさをリードし、多くの神聖な空間の内部を示し、デジタルメディアで永遠を理解するための架け橋を作ります。楽しむ。
GERMAN: Das obige Video ist Teil der Katholizismus-Serie mit dem Titel "Pivotal Players". Dies ist eine ausgezeichnete Quelle für alle, die die Rolle der Heiligen in der Kirche verstehen und einen Einblick in die Charismen des heiligen Franz von Assisi gewinnen möchten. Die Videos von Bischof Barron führen mit Schönheit, zeigen das Innere vieler heiliger Räume und schlagen eine Brücke zum Verständnis des Ewigen mit digitalen Medien. Genießen.
FRENCH: La vidéo ci-dessus fait partie de la série sur le catholicisme intitulée « Pivotal Players ». C'est une excellente ressource pour quiconque cherche à comprendre le rôle des saints dans l'Église et à mieux comprendre les charismes de saint François d'Assise. Les vidéos de l'évêque Barron mènent avec beauté, démontrant l'intérieur de nombreux espaces sacrés et créant un pont pour comprendre l'éternel avec les médias numériques. Jouir.
PORTUGUESE: O vídeo acima faz parte da série Catolicismo intitulada "Pivotal Players". Este é um excelente recurso para quem procura compreender o papel dos santos na Igreja, bem como obter informações sobre os carismas de São Francisco de Assis. Os vídeos do Bispo Barron conduzem com beleza, demonstrando o interior de muitos espaços sagrados e criando uma ponte para a compreensão do eterno com as Mídias Digitais. Aproveite.
ROSARY ON THE CAMINO JOURNAL, OCTOBER 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 to 15th [2nd Edition]
Dear friends / Caros amigos / 親愛なる友人たち / Liebe Freunde:
The Rosary On the Camino Team, a subteam of The Rosary Hour Podcast. We invite you to watch today’s post: a trailer featuring with Teresa Tomeo and Peter Herbeck previewing their discussion with member of Children’s Rosary ®, Amelia. Both guests help us to understand the “Why” behind our prayers.
SPANISH: The Rosary On the Camino Team, un subequipo de The Rosary Hour Podcast. Os invitamos a ver el post de hoy: un tráiler protagonizado por Teresa Tomeo y Peter Herbeck previsualizando su conversación con la miembro del Rosario ® de Niños, Amelia. Ambos invitados nos ayudan a entender el "Por qué" detrás de nuestras oraciones.
CZECH: The Rosary On the Camino Team, podtým podcastu The Rosary Hour. Zveme vás ke sledování dnešního příspěvku: trailer s Teresou Tomeo a Peterem Herbeckem, kteří předvádějí svou diskusi s členkou dětského růžence ®, Amelií. Oba hosté nám pomáhají pochopit "Proč" za našimi modlitbami.
ARABIC: المسبحة على فريق كامينو ، فريق فرعي من بودكاست ساعة المسبحة. ندعوك لمشاهدة منشور اليوم: مقطع دعائي يضمالمسبحة على فريق كامينو ، فريق فرعي من بودكاست ساعة المسبحة. ندعوك لمشاهدة منشور اليوم: مقطع دعائي يضم تيريزا توميو وبيتر هيربيك يستعرضان مناقشتهما مع عضو مسبحة ® الأطفال ، أميليا. يساعدنا كلا الضيفين على فهم "لماذا" وراء صلواتنا.ا.
ICELANDIC: The Rosary á Camino Team, undirlið af The Rosary Hour Podcast. Við bjóðum þér að horfa á staða í dag: kerru lögun með Teresa Tomeo og Peter Herbeck forsýning umræðu sína við meðlimur Rosary ® barna, Amelia. Báðir gestirnir hjálpa okkur að skilja "hvers vegna" á bak við bænir okkar.
POLISH: The Rosary On the Camino Team, podzespół The Rosary Hour Podcast. Zapraszamy do obejrzenia dzisiejszego wpisu: zwiastuna z Teresą Tomeo i Peterem Herbeckiem zapowiadającymi ich dyskusję z członkinią Dziecięcego Różańca ®, Amelią. Obaj goście pomagają nam zrozumieć "dlaczego" kryjące się za naszymi modlitwami.
Please review the most recent Seasonal Information about where to pray the Rosary on the Camino this October and to plan for next year’s trip to Póvoa / Vila do Conde / Balasar etc.4
If you are travelling alone, know that we are praying for you as you walk to Santiago de Compostela or to your final destination.
To start exploring the Rosary, we invite you to see the following introductory notes with videos that can begin your Rosary journey. “Thank you, and enjoy, and God bless.”5
FINNISH: Jos matkustat yksin, tiedä, että rukoilemme puolestasi, kun kävelet Santiago de Compostelaan tai lopulliseen määränpäähäsi. Aloita rukousnauhan tutkiminen kutsumalla sinut katsomaan seuraavat johdantohuomautukset videoilla, jotka voivat aloittaa rukousnauhamatkasi. "Kiitos ja nauti, ja Jumala siunatkoon."
VIETNAMESE: Nếu bạn đang đi du lịch một mình, hãy biết rằng chúng tôi đang cầu nguyện cho bạn khi bạn đi bộ đến Santiago de Compostela hoặc đến điểm đến cuối cùng của bạn. Để bắt đầu khám phá Kinh Mân Côi, chúng tôi mời bạn xem các ghi chú giới thiệu sau đây với các video có thể bắt đầu hành trình Mân Côi của bạn. "Cảm ơn, và tận hưởng, và Chúa phù hộ."
솔직히 | Sincerely | 真誠地 | Sincèrement | Με εκτίμηση | 誠に |
The Rosary on the Camino Team [Reviewed by: Izzy and The Rosary Hour Podcast]
Formation in the School of Our Lady: Terço on the Camino
Schedule - For Rosary Before the Mass Oct. 5-86
Oct. 4. Wednesday Terço - St. Francis of Assisi
Basilica - Terço às 7h25 (Morning Mass follows at 8h00)
No confessions in the afternoon today.
Matriz - Terço às 18h15 (Evening Mass follows at 19h00) in old city centre near the Train Station upon your arrival from Porto / Vila do Conde.
Tomorrow is a Holiday. Be sure to get provisions at local groceries earlier in the day and/or to be aware that some businesses / restaurants will be closed.
Oct. 5 - Thursday Terço - Memorial of St. Faustina Kowalksa + Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos (USA); St. Faustina Kowalska, Opt.
Basilica - Terço às 7h25 (Morning Mass follows at 8h00)
Lapa - Terço às 17h25 (Evening Mass follows at 18h00)
S. José - Terço às 18h25 (Evening Mass follows at 19h00)
Matriz - Terço às 18h25 (Evening Mass follows at 19h00)
No confessions at the Basilica today (Closed for Holiday)
Those wishing to pray the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy can pray with the Marians of the Immaculate Conception here: https://thedivinemercy.org
Oct. 6 - First Friday Terço - Bruno; Bl. Marie Rose Durocher (USA and CAN), Opt. Mem.
Basilica - Terço às 7h25 (Morning Mass follows at 8h00)
Desterro - Terço às 16h00 (Evening Mass follows at 16h30)
Lapa - Terço às 17h25 (Evening Mass follows at 18h00)
S. José - Terço ONLY às 18h25 (NO Evening Mass)
Matriz - Terço às 18h25 (Evening Mass follows at 19h00)
Oct. 7 - First Saturday Terço - Our Lady of the Rosary, Memorial;
Basilica - Terço às 7h25 (Morning Mass follows at 8h00);
Desterro - Terço às 15h30 Terço (Evening mass at 16h00);
S. José - Terço às 17h00 (Rosary + Evening Mass at 17h30);
Lapa - Terço às 17h15 (Evening Mass follows at 18h00);
Matriz- Terço às 18h20 (Evening Mass follows at 19h00)
Oct. 8 - Rosary on the Camino for Our Lady of the Rosary at 10:55 led by the “Rosary Group” at S. José Ribamar (Scriptural Readings + Reflections by St. Louis Marie de Montfort on “The Glorious Mysteries”) at S. José Ribamar.
Basilica - Terço às 7h25 (Morning Mass follows at 8h00); Terço às 10h25 (Morning 11h00 Mass #2); Terço às 15h25 (16h00 Mass)
Desterro - Terço às 8h00 Terço (Morning mass at 8h30);
S. José - Terço às 10h00 (Morning Mass 11h00); Terço às 18h30 (Rosary + Evening Mass at 19h00); Adoration at 18h00 w/ Rosary led by Pe Nuno
Lapa - Terço às 18h15 (Evening Mass follows at 19h00);
Matriz- Terço às 18h20 (Evening Mass follows at 19h00)
Oct. 13, Rosary on the Camino suggests a side trip to the Shrine at Balasar on Oct. 13 to see the Casa of Beata Alexandrina and go to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Oct. 13, you can also go to Fátima from AGOSTO 24 STATION IN PORTO (busline), that is, if you can find a hotel (they may already be fully booked). Should you plan to go, be sure to see the Terço / Rosary Exhibit and to be part of the Memory of the Last Apparition of Our Lady of the Rosary which took place Oct. 13, 1917 to 80,000+ people in Northern Portugal.
FRENCH: Le 13 octobre, vous pouvez également vous rendre à Fátima depuis la gare AGOSTO 24 DE PORTO (ligne de bus), c'est-à-dire si vous pouvez trouver un hôtel (ils peuvent déjà être complets). Si vous prévoyez d'y aller, assurez-vous de voir l'exposition Terço / Rosaire et de faire partie de la mémoire de la dernière apparition de Notre-Dame du Rosaire qui a eu lieu le 13 octobre 1917 à 80 000+ personnes dans le nord du Portugal.
GERMAN: Am 13. Oktober können Sie auch vom Bahnhof AGOSTO 24 in Porto (Buslinie) nach Fátima fahren, das heißt, wenn Sie ein Hotel finden können (sie können bereits ausgebucht sein). Wenn Sie vorhaben, dorthin zu gehen, sollten Sie unbedingt die Terço / Rosenkranz-Ausstellung besuchen und Teil der Erinnerung an die letzte Erscheinung Unserer Lieben Frau vom Rosenkranz sein, die am 13. Oktober 1917 vor 80.000+ Menschen in Nordportugal stattfand.
SPANISH: El 13 de octubre también puedes ir a Fátima desde la estación AGOSTO 24 de Oporto (línea de autobús), es decir, si puedes encontrar un hotel (puede que ya estén completos). Si estás planeando ir allí, asegúrate de visitar la exposición Terço/Rosario y ser parte de la conmemoración de la última aparición de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, que tuvo lugar el 13 de octubre de 1917 frente a 80,000+ personas en el norte de Portugal.
Here is the programme at the shrine at FÁTIMA:
FÁTIMA - 13 de outubro, 2023
Vigíliade Oração | Prayer Vigil
00:00 às 01:00 – Adoração eucarística, na Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima | Eucharistic adoration in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima | Adoration eucharistique dans la Basilique Notre-Dame du Rosaire de Fatima
01:00 às 02:00 – Veneração dos santos Francisco e Jacinta Marto, na Basílica de NossaSenhora do Rosário de Fátima | Vénération des saints François et Jacinthe Marto, dans la Basilique Notre-Dame du Rosaire de Fatima
02:00 às 03:15 – Via-sacra, no Recinto de Oração | Chemin de Croix dans la salle de prière |
03:30 às 04:15 – Celebração mariana, na Capelinha das Aparições | Célébration mariale dans la chapelle des apparitions
04:30 às 05:30 – Missa, na Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima | Messe dans la Basilique Notre-Dame du Rosaire de Fatima
05:30 às 07:00 – Adoração eucarística, com laudes do Santíssimo Sacramento, na Basílicade Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima | Adoration eucharistique, avec les laudes du Saint-Sacrement, dans la Basilique Notre-Dame du Rosaire de Fatima
07:00 – Procissãoeucarística, no Recinto de Oração | Procession eucharistique dans la salle de prière
09:00 – Terço, na Capelinha das Aparições | Rosary at the chapel of the Apparitions
10:00 – Procissão, missa, bênção dos doentes e procissão do adeus, no Altar do Recinto de Oração | Procession eucharistique dans la zone de prièreprocession, messe, bénédiction des malades et procession d'adieu à l'autel de la zone de prière
21h15 - A contas com Fátima. Conversas para crescer na fé, na esperança e no amor
Em plataforma digital
Com: P. Pedro Tavares e Ir. Sandra Bartolomeu, snsf | 13 de outubro
Oct. 15 - Rosary on the Camino for St. Teresa of Avila led by the “Rosary Group” (Scriptural Readings + Reflections by St. Louis Marie de Montfort on “The Glorious Mysteries”) at S. José Ribamar.
[To be updated as new info sent: write to PTCAMINO at PROTONMAIL dot COM]
Fr. Peter shares out this invitation:
Fr. Peter Turrone, one of the Spiritual Directors of the Rosary Hour Podcast extended the following invitation:
“Would you like to join us in fasting and praying for the success of the upcoming Synod on Synodality from Oct. 4 to 29, 2023?”
"Gostaria de se juntar a nós em jejum e oração pelo sucesso do próximo Sínodo sobre a Sinodalidade, de 4 a 29 de outubro de 2023?"
The servant of God, Dorothy Day, and a group of women fasted and prayed for the success of the Second Vatican Council. They appealed to God that the Council Fathers would be inspired by the Sermon on the Mount in dealing with the prevailing cultural strife in the 60s.
A serva de Deus, Dorothy Day, e um grupo de mulheres jejuaram e oraram pelo sucesso do Concílio Vaticano II. Apelaram a Deus para que os Padres conciliares se inspirassem no Sermão da Montanha para lidar com a luta cultural prevalecente nos anos 60.
Following their lead, I ask you to commit to pray to do the following each day for Synod participants:
Seguindo o seu exemplo, peço-vos que vos comprometais a rezar para fazer o seguinte todos os dias pelos participantes do Sínodo:
The Holy Rosary: RHP READERS can use this video and/or links
If of age, to skip one meal a day and/or skip snacks between meals.
Fr. Mallon explains that the Synod is about “Rethinking how we experience Church as a community of believers journeying together”.
O P. Mallon explica que o Sínodo é sobre "Repensar como experimentamos a Igreja como uma comunidade de crentes que caminham juntos"
The SYNOD of Bishops, has a pastoral / theological focus, and the focus of Synodality, Fr. James Mallon, notes is confusing; he does note that but the grand consultation is not a statement / theological document: “The Church changes when people sit in rows vs. sitting in circles”; thus the point of the exercise is the exercise itself. |
O SÍNODO dos Bispos, tem um enfoque pastoral/teológico, e o foco da Sinodalidade, observa o P. James Mallon, é confuso; ele observa isso, mas a grande consulta não é uma declaração/documento teológico: "A Igreja muda quando as pessoas se sentam em fileiras versus sentadas em círculos"; Assim, o objetivo do exercício é o próprio exercício.
Please tune-into the Opening Assembly of the Synod on Synodality to listen to the various voices presenting today.
DOWNLOAD THE FULL programme in ITALIAN: https://www.synod.va/content/dam/synod/news/2023-09-21_the-participants-of-the-16th-general-assembly-of-the-synod-of-bishops/01440.pdf
DOWNLOAD the participants list in ITALIAN:
Also, I want to invite children / adults / seniors / parents / teachers / pastors etc. to join Zosia with Dr. Blythe Kaufman and myself in prayer on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary Oct. 7th, 2023 at 4 p.m. EST. | Além disso, quero convidar crianças / adultos / idosos / pais / professores / pastores etc. para se juntarem a Zosia com o Dr. Blythe Kaufman e eu em oração na Festa de Nossa Senhora do Rosário 7 de outubro de 2023 às 16h EST. |
Please help us console the Heart of the Blessed Mother for this Holy Hour. Together, we can, as Dorothy Day says, make a difference when we pray together! We children will pray the Chaplet, 5 decades of the Rosary, and the Litany to the Holy Angels posted here in a NEW FOLDER on the Digital Toolkit for Rosary Leaders so you can follow along.
Por favor, ajude-nos a consolar o Coração da Santíssima Mãe para esta Hora Santa. Juntos, podemos, como diz Dorothy Day, fazer a diferença quando rezamos juntos! As crianças vão rezar o Terço das 5 décadas do Rosário e a Ladainha aos Santos Anjos postados aqui em uma NOVA PASTA no Kit de Ferramentas Digitais para Líderes do Rosário para que você possa acompanhar.
Here is the poster to share on Facebook and/or Social Media with others. | Aqui está o cartaz para partilhar no Facebook e/ou Redes Sociais com outras pessoas.
Taken from IBreviary - Readings for the Divine Office for Oct. 4. Add the daily readings to your prayer routine while resting on the Camino. ENGLISH: https://www.ibreviary.com/m/breviario.php?s=ufficio_delle_letture
See this post for related notes on the Holy Guardian Angels for yesterday’s Memorial:
The Rosary on the Camino Journal (RCJ), TERÇO provides information to our loyal Rosary Hour Podcast readers about where to pray the Rosary Before the Mass on the Camino to Santiago on the Atlantic Coast of Portugal.
In this paradisiacal seaside setting, pilgrims who are visiting the Porto Region and / or those visiting family and loved ones for a funeral / wedding / baptism / First Communion / Feast and who wish to know where to pray with a welcoming community are invited to see this prayer resource daily this week.
We ask you to help our team by checking the posted times when you enter the parishes themselves and letting us know if we need to make any adjustments. Simply write to rosaryhourpodcast AT gmail DOT com; and, if you have any news you wish to share out about your prayers of the Terço / Rosary during your stay on the Camino in Portugal, write to us!
You can just ask anyone if early, “Terço agora?” or “Terço antes da missa?”
Tagline of the Rosary Hour Podcast created by Fr. Chris Alar, narrator of the Rosary Mini Series, and the Provincial Superior of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception” at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA, USA).
Oct. 1 - DOMINGO:
Youth Led Rosary created by JMJ 2023 (World Youth Day) delegates who can access the Camino to Santiago.
NOTE: This group shares the text of the Rosary at the front of the Church so others can participate and provide meditations on prayer. See the text here as well:
Rosary at Lapa with Adoration 18h00-19h00 on Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus.
Padre Nuno led the solemn Rosary at the Church of Our Lady of Lapa. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament includes Fátima prayers to begin the session, and then followed by the solemn Terço during exposition, and followed by Benediction prior to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Visit Lapa’s the Facebook page for latest updates.
Oct. 2 - Monday Terço on the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels
Desterro - Terço às 16h00 (Evening Mass follows at 16h30)
Lapa - Terço às 17h25 (Evening Mass follows at 18h00)
S. José - Terço às 18h30 (No mass; only novena).
Oct. 3. Tuesday Terço for Our Lady
Basilica - Terço às 8h00 (Morning Mass follows at 8h00)
Lapa - Terço às 17h25 (Evening Mass follows at 18h00)
S. José - Terço às 18h25 (Evening Mass follows at 19h00)
Matriz - Terço às 18h25 (Evening Mass follows at 19h00)